How do I customize a sticker?
If you cannot find a sticker you want, or if you like a certain sticker but really want wish you could change the text or a put a custom local on that sticker, well we can do that!
If fact, there isn't many things we cannot change. Just ask us. We created and own 99.9% of the art on our site and can change or modify text, art, locals, colors, etc. just ask!
Be sure to watch our video on how to make a simple customization.
How do I make changes?
Easy! We have provided a custom text box within each stickers product details that you can add text too. Just explain your ideas or changes, and we will take it from there!
However, if you trust our expertise then just let us go wild! We'll use our years of layout experience to create the best looking design that is possible! We know you'll love it!
If you feel that your changes warrent a proof, then please just ask to see one.
However, please remember that all proofs will require extra time to design, email, and approve.
Be sure to watch our video on how to make a simple customization.